.. _script_input: User-interface Documentation **************************** =================== |cmdprog| =================== This is the main command line script for using |pieface| to compute :term:`MBE` from one or more :term:`CIF` files. Details of the input parameters are given below, or by typing |cmdprog| ``--help``. .. :: .. usage: CIFellipsoid [-h] [-o [OUTFILE [OUTFILE ...]]] .. [-m CENTRES [CENTRES ...]] [-r RADIUS] .. [-l [LIGTYPES [LIGTYPES ...]]] .. [-n [LIGNAMES [LIGNAMES ...]]] .. [-t TOLERANCE | --maxcycles MAXCYCLES] .. [-b PHASE] .. [-N] [-W] .. [-P] [-U] [--procs [PROCS]] [--noplot] .. [--writelog] [-V] .. cifs [cifs ...] .. program:: CIFellipsoid .. cmdoption:: cifs Name(s) of CIF files to import as a space-delimited list. Can also accept valid web address(es). .. cmdoption:: -m, --metal Site label(s) (as found in the CIF file) of polyhedron centres to analyse (e.g. Fe1). *Most* `regular expressions `_ can be used to make searching easier: :``Al.*``: matches any site label starting ``Al`` (``Al1``, ``Al2`` ... ``Al9999`` etc.) :``Al?``: matches any label beginning `Al`, but only 3 characters in length (e.g. ``Al1`` - ``Al9``) :``Al[1-9]``: matches any site ``Al1`` - ``Al9`` In addition to most normal regular expressions, preceding any label by ``#`` will omit it from the search: :``#Al1``: will omit ``Al1`` from the list of acceptable centres. By combining these terms, it should be possible to specify most desired combinations. .. cmdoption:: -o, --output Name(s) of output files to save results to. Default is .txt. .. cmdoption:: -r, --radius Maximum distance to treat a ligand as part of a polyhedron (default 3 Angstrom). .. cmdoption:: -l, --ligandtypes Types of atom (as specified by CIF atom_type) to be considered as valid ligands (can use regular expressions). Default is all atom types. .. cmdoption:: -n, --ligandnames Atom labels to use as ligands (same syntax as --metal). By default, any ligand allowed by --ligandtypes is allowed. The combination of --ligandtypes and --ligandnames is taken as an ``AND``-like operation, such that sites are only excluded if done so explicitly. .. cmdoption:: -t, --tolerance Tolerance to use for fitting ellipsoid to points (default 1e-6). .. cmdoption:: -b, --phase Name of data block to read from CIF file (default is first alphabetically) .. cmdoption:: --maxcycles Maximum number of iterations to perform for fitting (default infinite). .. cmdoption:: -N Don't save results to text files .. cmdoption:: -W, --overwriteall If existing results files already exist, force |pieface| to overwrite them all. .. cmdoption:: -P, --PrintLabels Print all valid site labels for each CIF file supplied. .. cmdoption:: -U, --Unthreaded Turn off parallel processing of CIF files. .. cmdoption:: --procs Number of processors to use for parallel processing (default all). .. cmdoption:: --noplot Don't produce interactive ellipsoid images after calculation. .. cmdoption:: --writelog Write a debugging log to ``debug.log``. .. cmdoption:: -V, --version Print version information, check for updates, and exit.